If you unexpectedly see the data from your Google Sheets integration shifting from one cell to another, it probably means that due to a blank row somewhere in your Sheet, the payload began malfunctioning and shifting where the parsed data lands in every other email.
This can be caused by the following situations:
- A blank row was added somewhere in your Sheet
- A column was inserted or changed the formatting of the Sheet
Each of the situations listed above will shift the data from the right columns to the wrong ones.
Here is how you resolve this issue depending on the root cause:
A blank row was added somewhere in your Sheet
In this case, you'll need to clear any blank rows in the sheet if you continue to see payloads shift.
If the problem persists, we'd recommend resetting your Sheet completely. In order to reset your sheet just delete all rows in the Sheet but leave the headers and requeue those emails for dispatch in the Emails tab.
A column was inserted or changed the formatting of the Sheet
In this case, you'll need to update the integration directly from the Integrations tab. Just navigate to the menu and edit the integration and you'll see the new columns there. Leave them blank if needed and click on the Save button.
If the problem persists, we'd recommend resetting your Sheet completely. In order to reset your sheet just delete all rows in the Sheet but leave the headers and requeue those emails for dispatch in the Emails tab.
If you keep having trouble please contact our support team and we'll have a closer look.