How can I save money on a Mailparser subscription?
All annual plans get two months for free, so they are all discounted nearly 20% compared to monthly rates. Annual plans are also awarded parsing credits for the entire year compared to having credits reset every month.
For example, if you are on a Starter plan with 250 credits and have used only 200 credits during a month, the number of credits for your account will be reset to 250 again and your unused 50 credits are lost.
Once on an annual plan, all credits will be assigned to your account at the beginning of the billing cycle, so you can save credits during months when you receive fewer emails and use more credits during busy months!
How do parsing credits work?
Mailparser subscriptions come with a monthly or annual volume of parsing credits. When an email gets parsed for the first time, parsing credits are deducted from your account balance.
One credit point equals one parsed email.
For attachments, we charge an additional credit for each attachment that is parsed. Attachments are only parsed if you have attachment-based rules within your inbox.
In the case of an inbox where you only have rules for the attachment and no logic related to the email — you are only charged credits on each attachment parsed.
Should I purchase additional credits or upgrade to another plan to save money?
Look at your usage history in the Subscription page, if you notice that your account exceeds its quota often, then you have two solutions, either purchase additional credits or upgrade to a higher plan.
Remember that price per email drops when you upgrade to a higher plan. For example, in the Monthly Starter plan, the price for parsing one email is equal to $0.1198, while in the Monthly Professional plan, the price for parsing one email drops to $0.0799.
Additionally, we have premium Add-On features that are awarded for free to those on higher level plans. You should consider upgrading to a higher plan if your account goes over quota often.
How are credits assigned to Yearly plans?
With an annual plan, all credits will be assigned to your account at the beginning of the billing cycle, so you can save credits during months when you receive fewer emails and use more credits during busy months!
When yearly plans run out of credits for the year a new plan year automatically starts. This ensures that your email parsing will never stop.
How do upgrades work?
You can always upgrade to another subscription plan. When you upgrade the following happens:
- A new billing period is initiated
- All of your new parsing credits are awarded immediately
- You are awarded new features and limits that are provided with your new subscription plan
- All unused credits from your previous plan are added to your credit quota total
How do downgrades work?
Changes to your subscription plan will take effect at the end of the billing cycle for the current plan. For example, if you downgrade from Business to Professional Plan and the renewal date for your account is on the 20th day of the month, then still you can use all credits from the Business plan till the 20th of that month.
Before downgrading, please consider any premium features that you may lose after downgrading to ensure they are not features that you are using. You should also review the new limits for the lower plan to make sure they are acceptable for your needs.
Where can I view and download all invoices?
All past invoices are available on the Invoices page.
Do I need to pay for additional features separately?
This depends on your plan. Some features are awarded for free to some plans while requiring an additional fee for lower-level plans.
Also, some features may not be available even for purchase for some lower-level plans.
Please refer to our Pricing page or Subscription page for up-to-date plan features and limits.
How do I add or cancel additional premium features?
Subscriptions to premium features can be added or removed at any time via the Add-Ons page.
Is it possible to prevent SPAM emails from using parsing credits?
Mailparser cannot detect which emails are SPAM. But In the Inbox Settings page and within the Email Reception tab, you can define which emails should be accepted or rejected by your inbox.
Can I delete my account and data?
Yes. We are fully GDPR compliant. You can delete your account and data within the Account Settings page. Please note that once your account is deleted, it cannot be recovered again. If there is a chance you may come back later, it is better to simply cancel your account instead.
Do I lose data and all configurations in my inboxes if I cancel my account?
If you cancel your account, all your parsing rules, download links and integrations will be kept intact. Canceling an account means that we will stop parsing emails and dispatching extracted data points for you. You can re-subscribe again at any time.